The Contact Center Management (CCM) console or Administrator Dashboard provides a quick overview of queue traffic and the work of agents. It is equipped with a set of advanced functions and indicators organized in such a way as to optimize a supervisors’ work. It is accessible to Contact Center administrators, operators, and agents. Version 2.0 also offers single screen visualization of all the activities of the centre, in addition to providing real-time performance indicators.
The console is divided into five sections:
- Dashboard
- Activities
- Agents
- Reports
- Agent Details – NEW
1. This section provides a detailed description of the different sections (see the green numbers in the image above) and their associated indicators and components.
2. Tabs ‐ browsing the Contact Center guide tables providing a set of indicators and real-time statistics to visualize the call flow and performance of the call centre.
3. Queue – list of calls – list of calls waiting for the selected queue (e.g. for the Telephony queue). This section of the table displays the following columns:
- Ch. – channel: presents one of the two types of call, either call in progress (green) or call back (yellow).
- Contact: displays the caller’s name or phone number if the name is not known.
- Queue: the name of the queue in which the call is waiting.
- Skill: the skill that the agent must have to take this call.
- Waited: The length of time the call has been waiting.
4. Agents : active agents and ongoing activities – list of agents and calls in progress for the selected queue. It lists each of the connected agents in the queue. You can also see the disconnected agents by using the filter tool at the top right corner of this panel. This section of the table shows the following columns:
- Stat.: current status of the agent shown by a coloured dot (details of the colour codes below).
- Ext: extension number of the agent. The grey double arrow icon is used to sort the agent extension numbers in ascending or descending order.
- Agent: first and last name of each agent in the Contact Center. The grey double arrow icon allows you to sort the name of the agents in ascending or descending alphabetical order.
- Duration: current duration of the call.
- Ch. – channel: shows one of the two types of call, either the current call (green) or call back (yellow).
- Contact: displays the caller’s name or phone number if the name is not available.
5. My status – current agent status according to colour. Hover the mouse over an agent’s status indicator to bring up the status legend. This allows you to ask agents who are not available, or on a call, to make themselves available in the event of an overflow and to answer customers as quickly as possible. Also allows the connected agent to change their status by clicking on the status of their choice:
- Green: Available
- Blue: Work
- Orange: Break
- Yellow: Other
- Red: Disconnected – not available (default agent status when logged in)
6. Queue statistics – – shows the number of calls that have been received in the last twelve hours by type of call. Either:
- Received calls: Number of calls received in the queue during the period in question.
- Abandoned calls: Number of abandoned calls in the queue during the period.
- Answered calls: Number of calls answered in the queue during the reporting period.
- Voicemail: Number of calls received in the queue and forwarded to the Contact Center voicemail during the reporting period.
7. Status of agents – number of agents for each of the possible statuses: Closing call, Break/Lunch, Disconnected, Outbound call in-progress, Training/Meeting, Available, Inbound call in-progress, Other, Start-up, and Work.
8. Queues status – for each of the Contact Center queues, the number of calls in the queue, the number of calls in-progress, and the length of time the call has been in the queue the longest.
9. SLA – Displays the overall Service Level Agreement (SLA) performance indicator for the Contact Center. It is calculated by taking the number of calls answered within the configured service level waiting time, such as five minutes, divided by the total number of calls received in the last twelve hours, plus the number of abandoned calls (the customer hangs up before being answered).
10. Call statistics – calculated statistics on all calls received in the last twelve hours indicating Average Time, Maximum Time, Average Waiting Time, and Maximum Waiting Time.
11. View selection – switch to change between Administrator view and Agent view.
As mentioned above, in addition to the dashboard, the console offers three additional tabs that allow you to measure Contact Center activity: the “Activities,” “Agents” and “Report” tabs. Here are the details of these tabs.
2. Activities Tab
Gives a view of the current and pending activities in the selected queue (here, either Telephony or Alerts and Notifications):
WAITING QUEUES – Shows the status of each of the queues.
- Ch. – channel: presents one of two types of calls, either call waiting (green) or call back (yellow).
- Contact: Displays the caller’s name or phone number if the name is not known.
- Queue: The name of the queue in which the call is waiting.
- Skill: the skill that the agent must have to take this call.
- Waited: how long this call has been waiting.
ACTIVITIES IN PROGRESS – In real time, the description for each agent and the status of the call in which he is engaged.
- Agent: name and surname of the agent.
- – channel: presents one of the two types of calls, either the call in progress (green) or the call-back (yellow).
- Duration: how long the call has been in progress.
- Contact: displays the caller’s name or phone number if the name is not known.
- Queue: the name of the queue in which the call is waiting.
- Skill: the skill the agent must have to take this call.
- Language: the language the caller would like to be answered in.
3. Agents tab
For each of the selected queues (here, either Telephony or Alerts and Notifications): The Agents tab of the dashboard shows the information about each connected agent. By default, the agents that are logged out do not appear here. To see the disconnected agents, you must use the filter tool in the upper right corner of this panel.
This tab displays the following columns:
- Status: one of the following statuses: Available (green), Working (blue), On Break (orange) or Other (yellow). This last status is often used for training time or meetings. Note that the Status pad will start flashing if the agent has been in a certain status for longer than the maximum time configured in the global settings of the Contact Center.
- Ext.: number of the agent extension. The grey double arrow icon is used to sort the agent extension numbers in ascending or descending order.
- Agent: first and last name of each agent in the Contact Center. The grey double arrow icon allows you to sort the agents’ names in ascending or descending alphabetical order.
- Duration: current duration of the call.
- Ch. – channel: shows one of the two types of call, either the current call (green) or the call-back (yellow).
- Contact: Displays the caller’s name or phone number if the name is not known.
- Queue: The name of the queue in which the call is waiting.
- Skill: the skill the agent must have to take this call.
- Language: the language the caller would like to be answered in.
- Wait: The length of time the call is waiting to be answered.
- Maximum: The length of the longest call from this agent in the last twelve hours.
- Average: The average duration of the agent’s calls in the last twelve hours.
- Quantity: the number of calls handled by the agent in the last twelve hours.
- Missed: number of calls not answered by the agent in the last twelve hours.
4. Reports tab
This tab of the Administrator Console gives access to a variety of reports and performance analysis.
5. New: Agent Details panel
The new Administrator Dashboard 2.0 offers a brand-new view in the form of a sliding, floating, retractable panel that provides at-a-glance productivity data for each agent, simply by clicking on their name from any console window.
Not only can a Contact Centre administrator view the agent’s statistics for the last 24 hours (Calls Answered, Average Time, Missed Calls and Maximum Time), view the History of Calls Answered, but he or she can also intervene during the agent’s current call.
The four functions of intervention
Indeed, the administrator, as part of his supervisory functions and for training purposes, has the possibility to connect to the agent’s current call (blue buttons on the panel). He can thus:
- Call: call the agent directly to talk to him.
- Whisper: allows you to listen and talk to an agent who has received a call from the queue, to give instructions or for training purposes.
- Listen: Listen to the agent’s conversation without disturbing the agent.
- Steal: take control of the agent’s in-progress call; the conversation with the caller will end on the agent’s side and continue with the supervisor.