Parking allows you to put a call on hold “in the cloud” so that another person can pick it up on a different phone. When calls are Parked, you can see the parked calls on the HUD; and you can also pick up a parked call from the HUD. In order to see Parked calls on a phone or on the VCC app, the Park buttons must be added to the device. Setting up Parking is done in two steps. First, you must create the parking spot in Clarity under Settings>Parking, then step two is to add the button(s) to a VoIP phone or the app under Devices>BLF Setup.
Valet Parking
Valet Parking is only used on phones where buttons are very limited. To configure Valet Parking
- Navigate to Settings > Parking > Valet. A new window will appear.
- Select the Enabled checkbox to enable the Valet Parking.
- Enter the Lot Extension, Lot Start and Lot End.
- Enter the Timeout (seconds) and Timeout Extension.
- Click Save.
BLF Parking
There are two steps to BLF Parking. First, you must create the parking spot (or spots). Then, you must navigate to Devices>Configuration, and on each phone under Key Setup, add the Parking Spots as buttons. For directions on how to add buttons, refer to the section Devices > BLF Setup.
When a call is Parked, the button on the phone will be lit in red. To configure BLF Parking
- Navigate to Settings > Parking > BLF. A new window will appear.
- Click the +Add New button on top left corner of the window. A new popup window will appear.
- Enter the Slot, Parking Timeout and Extension.
- Click Save.
Auto-Attendant is a phone system feature for providing automated call answering, caller messaging, and call transfer of inbound callers to individual users or groups or other automated informational messages within a business phone system. If your service uses an Auto-Attendant, you can allow callers to initially try to reach a live person directly or use the Auto Attendant to direct the caller to their destination or a combination of both.
To configure a phone number or extension as an auto attendant, navigate to Settings > Auto Attendants. A display of the existing Auto Attendants on the account is displayed, covering the number (DID or Extension) assigned, the first and last name assigned to the Auto Attendant, as well as icons for Editing and Trashing existing Auto Attendant.
Adding Auto Attendants
To add Auto Attendant:
- Click the Add an Auto Attendant button on top left corner of the window. A new window will appear.
- You can start configuring the Auto Attendant by entering information into the fields. This feature will enable you to respond to incoming phone answers and greeting messages.
- Click Save.
- Min Digits: Minimum number of digits allowed to be dialed before transferring. (Ex, 2 min means they cannot reach any 1 digit extensions)
- Max Digits: Maximum number of digits allowed to be dialed before transferring. (Ex, 3 max means they cannot reach any 4 digit extensions, they can dial 1-digit, 2-digit or 3-digit extensions.)
- Wait after Msg Replys: Time in milliseconds before the auto-attendant greeting plays again.
- Input Wait Time: Time in milliseconds that the system waits between inputs before attempting to transfer.
- Attempts: How many times the auto-attendant message will loop & play before hanging up the call or doing what is set in “Action After No Selection”?
- Invalid Retries: How many attempts the caller is allowed to enter an invalid extension before the system disconnects the call?
- Action after No Selection: If no option is listed (blank), the system will disconnect the call after the number of attempts plays.
Edit or Delete an Auto Attendant
You may also modify or delete a Auto Attendants by selecting it and clicking the edit or delete icon next to it.
Caller ID section covers four different functions – Caller ID Info, Caller ID Bypass, Smart Caller ID information, and Caller ID Settings. Caller ID is defined as a telephone service that allows a subscriber to identify the telephone number of a caller before answering the call. The platform offers the leading capabilities for managing Caller IDs.
Caller ID Info
The Caller ID Info tab presents all the extensions or DIDs on the account and the associated Caller ID. This overview is a good way to scan the Caller ID for errors or omissions. To configure caller ID, navigate to Settings > Caller ID > Caller ID Info.
Edit a CallerID
To modify a CallerID:
- Click the edit icon next to a CallerID. A new window will appear.
- Enter the CallerID Phone Number To Display. Please note that only legitimate CallerID numbers will appear in the pull-down menu. Further, you will be prevented from changing the CallerID information unless the CallerID is set to ‘By Device’.
- Click Save.
Caller ID Bypass
Setting CallerID Bypass allows an inbound caller to avoid your call screening (Call Screening On or Call Announce) and ring your phone. You may enter as many phone numbers as you want to Bypass your call screening settings. CallerID Bypass will automatically override call screening settings and turn call screening off.
Add a new CallerID Bypass number
To add a new callerID:
- Click the +Add New button on top left corner of the window. A new popup window will appear.
- Enter the valid phone number.
- Click Save.
Edit or Delete a CallerID Bypass
You may also modify or delete a Priority CallerID by selecting it and clicking the edit or delete icon next to it.
Smart CallerIDs
Smart CallerID is an optional setting for an account. You may buy phone numbers from all over the North American Dialing Plan. Smart CallerID displays telephone numbers from the Smart CallerID service as the outbound CallerID (instead of the phone’s actual outbound CallerID number). There are many legitimate uses for Smart CallerID.
For example, when multiple people are doing outbound calling on behalf of an organization, that organization may want all the outbound callers to display the organization’s CallerID information rather than the person’s CallerID information. Another legitimate use is for outbound telemarketing where a person dials into a specific area code and the Smart CallerID displays a number that gives the called party the impression that the call is local.
Smart Caller Retention will remember the outbound smart callerID used, and allow for call backs as if it were a direct dial for the specified amount of time.
CallerID Settings
Allows the user to block their CallerID number so the CallerID will display “Anonymous” as the CallerID, although the actual display is determined by the terminating carrier. Note: CallerIDs showing Anonymous usually are blocked from connecting calls. The second setting, Smart CallerID, enables the function for the selected extension. The Smart CallerID checkbox will not appear if there are no Smart CallerIDs configured for the account.
Update Multiple CallerIDs
This allows the user to update multiple CallerIDs at one time.
To update multiple CallerIDs:
- Select CallerIDs from the list.
- Click the Update Multiple CallerID icon. A new window will appear.
- Enter the CallerID number to display.
- Click Save.
This allows you to set a different style ring for different dial-in numbers. This option is very useful if you are supporting multiple companies on a single group of phones. It will be able to ring differently depending upon the company phone number dialed. Note that distinctive ring only works on incoming calls dialing into a DID, and is not available for internal extension to extension calls.
Note: Distinctive Ring Patterns are only available on Aastra, Polycom (Firmware 4.0+) and Yealink phones.
Add new Distinctive Ring
To add a new Distinctive Ring:
- Click the +Add New button on top left corner of the window. A new window will appear.
- Select the extension and ring pattern from the Apply Ring To and Ring Pattern drop down menu.
- Click Save.
When someone dials 911, this routes call-to-service and then to the correct 911. All NADP (North America Dialing Plan) phone numbers must have E911 set up to be in compliance with United States law. If E911 is not set up properly, outbound dialing is BLOCKED until the E911 setup is completed.
Note: Please seek the advice of the support team if you are not sure which method is appropriate for the account.
There are 3 types of E911 methods that an account can be configured for. They are E911 by:
- Device: Best used when an account has multiple devices residing at different locations, and/or the account uses many different outbound CallerID’s. (This section will only appear if the account is set to E911 by Device).
- Single DID: Best used when all devices on an account have the same physical address and show one number on the outbound.
- CallerID/SipTrunk: Best used when an account needs to show multiple CallerIDs. The reasons for this vary.
To enter the E911 details for an account set to E911 by device, navigate to Settings > E911
Enter the necessary details for your E911 address in the spaces provided. You can also make changes to the E911 address for all phones on your account and the necessary addresses you’d like to apply.
To do so, select “Update multiple addresses”.
Then select the extensions you’d like to update and click “Update selected addresses.”
To enter the e911 details for an account set to E911, from the home page select “Update” next to Address:
E911 Notification service enables individuals to be notified by email in real-time when a handset dials 911. Multiple emergency e-mail addresses are supported by the service.
To set an E911 Notification, navigate to Settings > E911 Notification
Add new E911 Notification
- Click the +Add New button on top left corner of the window. A new window will appear.
- Enter the email address.
- Click Save.
Music on hold (MOH) is the practice of playing recorded music to cover the silence that awaiting callers would hear. To configure the hold music, navigate to Settings > Hold Music. You can set hold music for both the Account and Extension.
Hold Music Rotation
You can set up a rotation of different Hold Music files that will play in the order set in the system from top to bottom of file listed in the In Rotation dialog box. The Hold Music rotation plays the next file to each subsequent caller that is placed on hold. Once the end of the Hold Music rotation list is reached, the process starts from first file. Navigate to Settings > Hold Music > Set Rotation to set up or modify a Hold Music rotation.
Add Hold Music
To add hold music:
- Click on the Add Hold Music button on the top left corner of the window. A new pop up window will appear.
- Enter a file name, such as “HoldMusic.” Browse, choose your file, and click Save.
- The music file will be listed in the Description section.
Music for Account/Extension
To select the music for Account or/and Extension, hover over the music file in the description section and click the Assign to Account or Assign to Extension icon. You can also listen to the music, download it, and remove it.
Voicemail pins only have two functions: to listen to voicemail messages through the phone, or app, dial in through the backdoor number, or, record voicemail greetings. Voicemail pins can only be numbers/digits.
Note: You can also change voicemail pins in Extension Manager. Please refer to the section “Extension Manager” for more information.
Navigate to Settings>Extension
Click on the blue “Change Voicemail Password”.
Fill in the new voicemail password, and click Save.
Messages drop allows you to automatically leave prerecorded voicemails. You can upload and order up to 9 different messages. These prerecorded messages must be in mp3 format. Message drops are not enabled automatically and must be turned on for each extension that the functionality is required.
Add or Edit Message Drops
To add or edit message drops:
- Navigate to Settings > Message Drops. A new window will appear.
- Select a number from the drop down menu.
- Click the + Browse button and select message file to upload.
- Click Save.
Messages can be copied or moved to another extension on your account if necessary.
Configure Message Forwarding
To configure the message forwarding:
- Navigate to Settings > Message Forwarding.
- Select Copy or Move messages to another extension from the dropdown menu.
- Click the +Add Extension button and add the extension where all of the messages will be moved or copied.
Use “Copy” if you would like to retain a copy of the message in the extension where the message was initially left, you will be able to access it in Clarity. Generally you would use this setting with a General Voicemail box.
Only use “Move” if you are comfortable with the original message no longer being in the box where it was originally deposited.
Also be sure that all extensions are set up for message notification, as a backup.
To change the timezone for an extension or phone number:
- Navigate to Settings > Extension. The Extension Settings window will appear.
- Select Edit.
Note: The email address shown is the email address of the person who is logged into the account, not the email address of the person who uses that extension.
In the dropdown for Time Zone, choose the appropriate timezone for this phone number or extension. Having the correct timezone is especially important when you use schedules, office hours, vacations, and holidays.
Note: You can also change the timezone in Extension Manager. Please refer to the section “Extension Manager” for more information.