Messages is where users can manage all their messages – voicemail, text, call recordings and faxes. It is important to be aware which extension is selected as the Messages displayed in the Inbox, Archived and Trash folders are dependent on the active extension in the user interface. That active extension is displayed at the top of the page next to your login name. Only the type of messages that are enabled for that extension will show in the left hand navigation and in Messages.
The Messages Dashboard is where all of the messaging information is located, such as your extension number, full name (username in the system), and the number of voicemails, call recordings, faxes and texts for that extension. As indicated, only the message types that are enabled for the account/extension will show in the Dashboard. Use the dynamic link for each extension to directly jump to that extension’s Messages pages.
Note: Voicemails, call recordings, SMS, and faxes are saved for 60 days.
To view the Message Dashboard, navigate to Messages > Dashboard.
Voicemail is an electronically stored voice message left by a caller to be retrieved later by the intended recipient. The recipient can retrieve their stored message multiple ways: through their physical phone; desktop or mobile app; listen to it in email (if notifications are being sent); login to their portal to listen, or by calling in through the backdoor number (848-207-2737).
Please navigate to Features > Notifications to set up text or email notifications of new voicemails. A user can press the voicemail icon on their phone or app and enter their pin to retrieve their messages, or a user can dial *99 and put in their pin to retrieve messages.
Managing Voicemails Through The Clarity Portal
The Inbox is where your messages are stored and where you retrieve your voicemails. You can retrieve your voicemails through the portal, desk phone, mobile app, or calling in from the backdoor. To retrieve messages from your desk phone or mobile app, please dial *99, enter your voicemail pin, then follow the system prompts. To listen to messages for a different mailbox, dial *94 + extension from any phone or app on the account, enter the voicemail pin for that box, then follow the system prompts. Messages are saved for 60 days in the Inbox. Unread messages are displayed in bold, while Read messages are in normal type.
To check the portal inbox for new voicemail, navigate to Messages > Voicemail > Inbox.
The inbox for your voicemail displays a list of all voicemail messages, along with the following information:
- Name – type of message, voicemail, text
- From – CallerID of the message sender
- Received – date and time the voicemail message was left
- Length – number of seconds of the message
- Transcription – first 5-10 words of the voice message (if enabled)
Full message transcription service is available. Once the transcription service is turned on, transcription will work for all extensions on the account. When a notification is generated with the message attached for an extension, the message will also contain the text of the transcribed message.
Additional Menu Operations for Inbox Single Message
To perform additional operations on a single voicemail message, first select the voicemail message by clicking on the box next to the message. Once a message is selected, you can choose an action from the top menu as shown belowPlay/View – plays or shows the message
- Archived – moves the message to Archived folder
- Trash – move the message to the Trash folder
- Call Back – calls the CallerID number in message
- Move to Folder – moves message to Inbox, Archived, or Trash folder
Once you check the box on the left for a message, this actives the dynamic toolbar above the messages with expanded menus of capabilities as detailed below.
- Rename – renames the message type to whatever user inputs
- Read/Unread – changes the status of the message
- Download – downloads the message to the location of the user’s choice
- Notes – allows the user to create notes to help identify, classify or inform
- Resend – sends an email or text voicemail notification to individual set up to receive them
- Forward – forwards the message to the selected extension
- Transcription – creates a pop up window containing the full message transcription when turned on (if enabled)
Additional Menu Operations for Multiple Messages
Selecting multiple messages dynamically changes the operations that can be applied to those messages. Once multiple messages are selected, the menu contracts to only the relevant actions. To see the Inbox messages, navigate to Messages > Voicemail > Inbox. Selecting one checkbox or more (to the left of each message) limits your options to Archived, Trash, Move, Download, Resend, and Forward.
You can archive a voicemail without permanently deleting it from your voicemail inbox. Messages are saved for 60 days in the Archived folder from the creation date. Unread messages are displayed in bold, while Read messages are in normal type. After 60 days, messages are deleted.
To check an Archived voicemail, navigate to Messages > Voicemail > Archived.
Archived displays a list of all voicemail messages, along with the following information:
- Name – type of message, voicemail, text
- From – CallerID of the message sender
- Received – date and time the voicemail message was left
- Length – number of seconds of the message
- Transcription – first 5-10 words of the voice message (if enabled)
Additional menu operations for Archived folder are identical to the Inbox. Please see Additional Menu Operations for Inbox Single Message and Additional Menu Operations for Multiple Messages for more information.
Deleted messages remain in your trash until you either restore them or remove them completely, or they will be deleted on their own in 60 days. You can select individual, multiple or all messages. To view messages in the Trash folder, navigate to Messages > Voicemail > Trash. (Messages remain in the Trash folder for only 60 days).
Note: You can search for Voicemails, including any deleted / archived, by selecting a start date. This will populate everything within 60 days maximum up to current day.
While listening to a voicemail either through *99 (Subscriber Mode) or by dialing through the backdoor number (848-207-2737), you will be offered the following prompts:
- Press 1 to listen to voicemail(s).
- Press 2 to send a message. You can use this function to send a voice message to another extension on the account or to a distribution list.
- Press 4 to manage greetings.
- Press 8 for more user options.
Refer to the following for the dial options and sub-menus available for each main prompt.
Press 1
While listening, you have the following options:
- To rewind: Press 1
- To fast forward by a few seconds for the current voicemail: Press 3
- To skip to the end of the current voicemail: Press *
- To speed up the recording: Press 6
At the end of the current voicemail, you will be offered the following options:
- To erase the voicemail: Press 7
- To save the voicemail: Press 9
Note: All messages are stored only for 60 days.
- For more options: Press 5
- To copy the voicemail with an introductory message: Press 6
- To skip over the voicemail and save it as if it were new: Press #
Send 2
After recording the message, you will be offered the following options:
- To finish recording: Press #
- To review recording: Press 1
- To erase and rerecord: Press *
- To send with special delivery options: Press 2
- To send with standard: Press #
- To mark as confidential: Press 1,
- To mark as urgent: Press 2
- To send with normal delivery options: Press #
Manage Greeting 4
You will be presented with the following options:
- To record your voicemail greeting: Press 1
- To record your name: Press 2
- To record your vacation greeting: Press 3
- To listen to recorded greetings: Press 9
At the end of recording your greeting, you will have the following options:
- To save the greeting: Press #
- To discard the greeting: 3
- To review the greeting: Press 7
- User Options 8
- To change your voicemail pin: Press 1
- For usage information: Press 2
- To adjust your time zone: Press 5
- For more options: Press 3
- For distribution list functions: Press 1
- To change your name: Press 2
Text allows you to send and receive text messages when the service is turned on. Text services are not enabled by default. You can use both SMS (simple text) or MMS (rich media). For each to work, they must be turned on, SMS and MMS. Please refer to Features > Notifications to set up notifications of new texts. In addition, you must register your SMSable number with 10DLC, regardless of the purpose of the SMSable number. If your SMSable number is not registered, you will be unable to send and receive SMS/MMS.
To register your SMSable number with 10DLC, fill out the form here to start the process:
Managing Your Text Messages In The Clarity Portal
By default, new messages will appear at the bottom of the list and will be bolded if the text hasn’t been read yet.
You can sort text messages by date or by phone number, and you can also filter for messages by date or by phone number.
To view the text messages,
- Navigate to Text > Messages. You will see a display of existing conversations if any conversations exist. Clicking on the phone number will bring up the conversation on the right for that particular number.
- To reply to the current conversation, type your message in the “Messages to send..” box and hit enter, or click the arrow button.
Sending an SMS through the Clarity Portal
To send a new text message (please note that you can only send an SMS to one recipient, not multiple recipients):
- Navigate to Messages > Text > Send.
- Enter the required information in the following fields:
- From: choose the phone number that you would like to text from (some accounts have multiple SMS numbers) – if you only have one number that SMS number will be listed as the default;
- To: enter the number that you’d like to send the message to or choose a contact;
- Message: enter your message.
To add an attachment, hit the “+” and select the file from your phone or computer.
Note: Can only add JPG’s or PNG attachments. Please do not send large-size attachments as the message will fail.
- Click Send Text.
Sending and Receiving Messages using the VoipCloudConnect App
For instructions on how to send and receive SMS/MMS through the Voip CloudConnect app, please use this link; this link can also be accessed by logging into your Clarity portal (click on your initials in the upper right hand corner of the portal):
Contacts is a virtual address book that stores your contact information. You can add new contacts, edit them, or delete them.
To view the list of all available contacts, navigate to Messages > Text > Contacts.
Add a new Contact
- Click on the +Add New button on the top left corner. A new window will appear.
- Enter the required information in the following field:
- First Name: enter the first name
- Last Name: enter the last name
- Company: enter the name of the company
- Phone Type: select äny of the phone type “Home”, “Work” and “Mobile” from the dropdown menu that appears.
- Phone Number: Enter the phone number
- Click Save
Edit or Delete an existing contact
You may also modify or delete a contact by selecting it and clicking the edit or delete icon next to it.