Devices are elements of the platform like physical phones, softphones, mobile apps, and SIP trunks. Multiple devices can be registered to a single telephone number or extension in the system.
The device module provides a list of all installed (not registered) devices, as well as configuration options of each device.
The Device configuration page displays a list of currently installed devices and configuration options for those phone. To configure the devices, navigate to Devices > Configuration
When trying to locate a particular device, you can search by the following:
- Extension Number
- Extension Name
- E911 TN
- MAC Address
- Device Template
When selecting a device, different menu options will be available.
- Expand All: Available by default, opens the caret dropdown for all devices to show the registered extensions.
- Reboot Devices
- Rebuild Configurations: Rebuilds the device’s automatic configuration, which is determined by template and additional config or Key Setup for BLFs. Useful if the phone’s live configuration does not match what is set.
- Delete Devices
- Reset Password: Generates a new SIP password.
- Reset MWI: Resets the Message Wait Indicator on the device. It is useful for if the phone is not displaying new voicemail messages or stating there are messages when there aren’t.
Note: You can also export the list of devices to a PDF, Excel, or CSV by using the middle menu.
To add a new device, select “+Add Device”. A small popup window will appear.
- Device Template: Search for the make and model of the phone being added. If you do not find an appropriate template, please send a ticket to and request that template to be created.
- MAC Address: A 12-character string that identifies the device, typically found on the back of the physical phone. If adding a VCCCore or VCCComplete, please click “Generate Random”.
- Timezone: Select the appropriate timezone.
- Extension: Select the extension the phone will be assigned to.
- Note: If the phone added was not previously on the account, it will likely need to be factory reset in order to provision. Please reach out to our helpdesk if you need assistance with this process. If the phone does not provision after being factory defaulted, the MAC ID may be in some other redirector – if that is the case, you must have it removed, in order to have it added to CMV’s redirector. If you see a device with a ”0” in the extension column, that means that the phone is not currently associated with an extension. To edit the registration of a phone that has already been added and assigned to an extension, use the caret to the left of the device “>”. A new dropdown window will appear. Hit the blue edit pencil to edit the registration.
- In Clarity, Go to Device Configuration.
- Click on +Add new device
- Mac Address: Click on Generate for Softphone.
- Phone Model: (type) VCCComplete
- Extension: Type the extension number
- Click Insert.
- Navigate to “Administration > Users”
If the user does not already have a username: Click on + Add new account user- Username: Enter the username
Note: Do NOT Use Email address or @ - Fill in First and last name and email address
- Password: Enter the password
Note: Password should contain at least 8 Characters, 1 Capital, 1 number, 1 special character - Set the Default Extension: (Drop Down) Choose VCC extension (this is critical otherwise the app will throw an error message)
- Click Save
- Username: Enter the username
Make sure their extension appears in “selected” extensions to the right for non-admin users.
A BLF, or busy lamp field, is a light on a VoIP device that tells end users when another extension within the system is in use by displaying a clear status on the phone’s display.
If a BLF is green, it means that there is no active call on that extension. If a BLF is flashing yellow, that means a call is ringing to that extension. If a BLF is red, that means that extension is on an active call. If a Park button (which is a BLF) is red, that means someone is parked.
- To add buttons to a phone, make sure the Key Group is set to “Top Keys”.
- To add or edit the BLF for a phone, use the kebab menu to the right of the device.
If you plan to add a Park button, you must create the Parking spot first, before adding the button to the phone. To create a parking spot,
- Navigate to Settings>Parking>BLF.
- Click Key Setup. A new window will appear. You can view a list of the keys that are available for use. Refer to the manufacturer’s specifications for your specific phone model to know how many buttons can be added.
Note: You can adjust the number of entries displayed per page using the bottom dropdown. This assists when attempting to edit phones with multiple pages of BLF.
Using the sort will rearrange all buttons by what is set in the “Sort By” section. Default is in alphabetical order by first name.
Each line represents a line on the phone.
Note: Do not add buttons to line 1 and line 2 – those are the lines for incoming calls. To edit, hit the blue edit pencil. The following popup will appear:
Note: When adding buttons for the VCC app, you can start at button number 1, as the VCC does not have incoming lines like a physical phone.
- SpeedDial: Dials the extension. Will not display if the user is on the active call.
- BLF: Users extension will light up when dialed and when on an active call.
- BLFXER: This button can be used for both monitoring an extension and for transferring calls.
- Value: Set to the extension you want to display on the line.
The phone will need to be rebooted after adjusting Key Setup to reflect the change.
Key Copy will allow you to copy the BLF configuration from one phone and save it across all phones of the same model.Note: Some phones are unable to be configured with “Key Setup”, and instead “Additional configuration” must be used. Please reach out to our helpdesk for support with this.
Adding a Sidecar (Expansion Modules)
A sidecar, or expansion module, is an attachment to your VoIP device that allows you to add many more BLFs and speed-dials, both internal and external phone lines with the press of a button.
To add a sidecar to a device in order to add buttons,
- Navigate to Devices > Configuration and click the kebab menu next to the preferred phone. Select Exp Module.
- Click +Add New, and a new popup will appear.
- Enter the following details:
- Exp Mod Number: Number label used to identify the expansion module, put in any number 1 through 9 (this allows you to add up to 9 sidecars a phone)
- Expansion Module: Select the model of the sidecar from the available dropdown.
- Afterward, hit save and exit.
To configure an existing sidecar,
- Click the kebab menu next to the device and select BLF setup.
- Then, select the Expansion Module from the “Key Group” dropdown list.
(For more information on editing BLFs, refer to the “BLF Setup” section).
The device status page is a useful tool that can assist in troubleshooting issues with devices. The information displayed will allow you to determine whether the phone is offline or online, among various other things. This page should be one of the first places to check in your troubleshooting process.
Navigate to Devices > Status, and a list of all online devices for the account will be displayed.
- Ext: The extension that the device has been assigned to.
- Extension Name: Name on extension, if there is one
- Registered Domain (HA): The server pair that the phone is registered to
- Status: This will show one of the following:
- AUTHENTICATED, which means the phone has successfully been provisioned to the server.
- UNAUTHENTICATED, which means the phone failed / or is failing to provision. See troubleshooting tips for more information. OFFLINE, which means the phone is unregistered which could be due to not having internet, the physical device being powered off, etc.
- User Agent: The device that is registered to the extension.
- Trans: The device’s transport setting. (UDP or TCP). See troubleshooting tips for more information.
- Source IP: The current IP address for the device’s location.
- Source Host: Host ISP
- Created On: Date and time the registration was created.
- Next Expiration: Date and time the phone will refresh its registration. Devices re-register every 24 hours.
- Source Port: Registered port for device
- TrunkID: Server trunk that the device is on.
- If you do not see the device or extension listed, then there is likely a connectivity issue. This could range from a problem with the phone’s wiring to problems with the local area network. Verify that all connections are stable and that the network is VoIP enabled and start by rebooting the switch/router/firewall.
- If a phone is showing as “UNAUTHENTICATED” there is typically an error in the SIP information, or it has become corrupt. If the phone is manually provisioned, re-enter the SIP username and password in the device’s web GUI. If the phone is automatically provisioned, delete the extension and re-add along with reassigning the device, or move the device to a new extension entirely.
- -Sometimes if a phone is experiencing odd behavior, or not showing as online, swapping the transport from UDP to TCP and rebooting can resolve the issue. Refer to the “Device Configuration” for changing transport.
- -If a phone is receiving “half” registration, whereas the phone is appearing in the list but missing either the Source IP or Source Host, it is usually indicative of a firewall problem in which the device’s traffic is being blocked.