Phone numbers will show all numbers currently associated with the account alongside other useful information about each number. New numbers can also be added.
A Pointer is a number that sends calls directly to the target extension.
A Smart Callerid is a special phone number that will show as the outbound callerid number when you are calling that specific area code. This must be set up as a special feature. For more information review the “SmartCallerID” section.
Navigate to Phone Numbers.
The following information will be displayed:
- Type: Determines the number’s function
- Ptr Target: The extension that the number forwards to. Note: Only available for Pointers, Smart CallerID’s, and Fax Pointers.
- Ptr Type: The type of extension the number points to. Example: Routing, Voicemail
- Cnam Dip: When enabled, incoming CallerID’s will also display their CallerID name.
- Outbound Cnam: The CallerID name that will appear when making an outbound call when the associated number is set as CallerID.
- Cnam Prefix: Text that will appear in front of the CallerID name for inbound calls to that number. When set here, the prefix will not be lost upon call transfer. Note: 15 Character max limit.
- SMS: When enabled, allows for text messages to be received and sent from the associated number. Note: The number will still need to be registered with 10DLC to secure proper functionality.
Select the edit pencil to the right to edit the number.
If you need to export your numbers to a file, near the top of the screen will be blue icons that allow you to export to Excel, CSV, or PDF.
To add a new number to the account, click the blue + Add Phone Number text. Numbers can be searched for by preferred area code or by area code and prefix. If there are numbers available for the given criteria, a search will yield results.
Note: In order to add a new phone number to the account, you must be using your reseller credentials.
On the desired number, select a “Destination Type” from the dropdown menu, and choose the applicable extension type needed.
Note: When choosing Inbound Fax Pointer, Pointer, or SmartCallerID, those will be added as pointers to the target number of your choice. If adding any other extension type, they will be added as Extension/DIDs.
If you choose a Destination Type of “Routing Extension”, “Announcement”, “Auto-Attendant”, “Call Center”, “Inbound Fax”, or “Play Busy and Hangup”, Pointer Target will be grayed out, and then click on the blue “Order Selected” to have the new number added as an Extension/DID.
If you choose a Destination Type of “”Pointer”, “Smart CallerID”, or “Fax Pointer”, you must then define the Pointer Target, and then click on the blue “Order Selected” to have the new number added as a Pointer on the account. If you do not define the Pointer Target and click on “Order Selected”, the transaction will fail.
To transfer a phone number already on an existing account to another, you will first have to make sure the number type is set to pointer. Then, go to the “Pointers” section. A list of pointer numbers on the account will be displayed. Then, highlight the number you’d like to move with the blue check mark box.
A new “Migrate” button will appear.